Saturday, April 23, 2005

Amorphism Tee Series 1 - Myth

This collection of design is inspired by my visit to Budapest and other eastern european countires. Those eastern european countries are not as mythical as Greece but in another perspective, myth also associated with psychology, customs, or ideals of society. By breaking down, recomposing the elements like the patterns from the catherdal, the sculptures, etc, the print itself became a fictitious story.

Drawing of the week

The first day of 2005, I was sitting in front of Pantheon and did this drawing. I visited Pantheon 3 times in my 5 days trip in Roma. The building is changable, not the volume, but the atmosphere and the space.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Welcome to Sketchbook

welcome all to this sketcbook! it all about SHAREING IDEAS and by creating this platform I hope a whole lots of ideas can be presented to the world through all of you's participation.
The t-shirt above is for my new born fashion brand and hopefully the tees will be released at the end of this month. I will post more of the designs later on and pls keep tuning and give comments! - ry.